Being shut in has allowed me to catch a bit on blogging! Here are some cuties from winter sessions. I will try to have a couple from every session since Christmas…TRY being the key word. If you don’t see your darling here on the blog, check my galleries…I will be updating them today!
Who says you can’t have style in the winter…? Check out the cute clothing on this bunch!
Campbell Grae…what a little personality. I’m a sucker for redheads!
Oh…I’m a sucker for curls too…meet little Lydia…a firecracker!
Jeremey and Stephanie…thanks for waiting until Monday to see the rest!
Next…Jack…the son of my great hair designer, Phillip…His words to me were, “You trust me with your hair, so I trust you with Jack…just do what you want!”…I love creative freedom. Did I say that outloud?
Oh…and little “Bruiser”…he’s vicious by the way.
Lots of babies being born…
meet Preston Michael…born 2-26-08…
little Gavin Michael…born 1-31-08
photo sessions can be exhausting…
more to come later!
Valeriea Horn - I love the pictures and I can’t wait till I get them all paid for so I can have them in my hands. Suzanne, you are the best. See you soon.