- Have fun with food! Who doesn’t love to stop and get a snack? Might as well make it a part of your photo shoot! My Seniors have been posing with sweets like donuts, cotton candy, suckers, milk shakes, ice cream, cookies, etc.
- Shoot from different angles! I love the Canon EF 35mm 1.4 and the Sigma 35mm 1.4 Art lens
- Shoot BEHIND THE SCENES VIDEO! I can’t tell you what a game changer shooting video of my seniors has been. It elevates the experience for them tremendously and adds a tangible product they can go home with. We upload all our videos to instagram and youtube. It builds confidence in my seniors, adds value to the session like never before, and well is just flat out FUN! To see the latest videos subscribe to my youtube channel. or click any of the links below to see Senior Photo shoots in action! Miss Teen Kentucky 2019 Senior Portraits Brianna Couch, Fashion Inspired Senior Rockstar! Want to still see more? Watch Grace Epperson’s Senior Video here.
As everyone is in Back to School mode I thought it would be the perfect time to post this image of one of my favorite all time teachers, Linda Teague. I created this in January as snow days were being prayed for! I asked Mrs. Teague, who has been a dedicated High School English/Literature Teacher for over 45 years, to come into my studio and let me photograph her in a fun and crazy way. She was ALL IN! Thanks to Shady, and Brittany for the extra hairstyle!
This is image was accpeted into the prestigious Loan Collection at the International Print Competition. This was one out of 5500 entries, only the best get selected to be published in the esteemed PPA Loan Collection book. I am very proud of this image and I am so proud to have been one of her students. Mrs. Teague was not only my teacher, but my speech coach and gave me speaking skills I still use to this day. Thank you!
Meet Emma . . . she IS the girl next door. She’s smart, beautiful, funny, energetic, well you get it, she’s perfect, except no one is perfect, but, IF someone was perfect it would be HER! We wanted her senior pictures to reflect her inner and outer. Here are some of my favorites. Make sure to scroll down and watch her video also!
Watch behind the scenes footage and see her entire photo shoot HERE! {OR CLICK HERE}
Want to know what makes Suzanne Deaton Photography different from the rest? CLICK HERE!
Want to see how I created this image? Great! I wanted to share how I photographed this image in order to show how ideas become a reality when you just jump in and try something outside of your comfort zone. I created this back in January but am just now posting because it’s been making rounds in the competition circuit.
I had an idea about Rapunzel’s hair being so beautiful but also the cause of much torment for her. I created this image over a few weeks, photographing and editing throughout the weeks and making changes as ideas would come to me or as I realized areas that needed to be worked on.
I saw someones rendition of “Jezebel” on Pinterest and her hair was wrapped around her neck. I got the idea that Rapunzel’s hair grew so long it started to tangle and strangle her. Next, I went to Sally Beauty in Hazard, KY and purchased as many blonde hair extensions as I could possibly afford. ($175)
I wrapped the hair around a bust I keep in the studio for dresses. I wrapped and photographed hair for hours. Here are some of the originals I used to create the image. I used a main light on my left, a strip light on the back right and a hair light above.
Next, I called a friend of mine in High School who I knew would have great facial expressions and do whatever I asked to look tense and tortured by Rapunzel’s long hair. Thanks again, Myra Jo Davis!
One part gypsy, one party gucci, one part Brianna, one part funny, oh, and there are so many other parts that make up this sweet person. I especially loved her deep voice, on-trend style, and laid back personality. What’s not to love about this vibe?
Want to See Brianna’s Senior Film? Click here!