I Need A Snow Day . . . Every Teacher’s Wish with Back to School in Full Swing!
As everyone is in Back to School mode I thought it would be the perfect time to post this image of one of my favorite all time teachers, Linda Teague. I created this in January as snow days were being prayed for! I asked Mrs. Teague, who has been a dedicated High School English/Literature Teacher for over 45 years, to come into my studio and let me photograph her in a fun and crazy way. She was ALL IN! Thanks to Shady, and Brittany for the extra hairstyle!
This is image was accpeted into the prestigious Loan Collection at the International Print Competition. This was one out of 5500 entries, only the best get selected to be published in the esteemed PPA Loan Collection book. I am very proud of this image and I am so proud to have been one of her students. Mrs. Teague was not only my teacher, but my speech coach and gave me speaking skills I still use to this day. Thank you!