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IMG_0101 She’s thinking…”I wonder what this lady is going to make me do?”



This is the first time I had the pleasure of meeting Gabriella.  She travelled from Winchester to see me.  She had an enthusiastic zest for life…and yes, I let her throw apples at me to keep her in one place! (my idea of course)

IMG_0111 copy 

can’t wait to see her again.

  • September 20, 2008 - 9:40 am

    kelli - We have met Gabriella and these are beautiful pics. My oldest is from Guatemala and we have a almost 2 month old adopted domestically. We just had their pics done at portrait innovations, but would love to do some outside pics next. you can check them out on my blog: Do you do everything in Hazard or do you ever come to central KY? Have an awesome weekend!! Kelli, mama to Kaleb and Kamden