We had a great time this past weekend downtown Hazard! I had a bunch of little girls walk through the parade with me. They passed out candy and water. I think they may have even given out a few water bottles that were ALREADY DRUNK OUT OF…thanks to my own 3 year old son!!!!!!!!
Anyway, thanks to everyone who made it all possible. The girls were adorable. I will post some pictures by the end of the week.
Just to answer a few questions that people have been thrown at me…No, the festival committee did not tell me I couldn’t have a booth. I just did not see the point in having a booth when I have my studio right on mainstreet! Hauling it all out on the street seemed like a hassle. Plus, last year I sat down there for 4 days and was already booked until January. How inconsiderate of me to put my business on display and then say, “Sorry…nothing available.” Not to mention that I have 2 small kids that didn’t have a mommy for 4 days. So this year we simply enjoyed the festival…the food, the friends, the crafts, the rides, and our community.
~Suzanne (photos courtesy of Alicia Bryant)