These kids are precious! Meet John and Kathryn…they live in Evansville, IN…and I have known their mom Leslie for years! It was so nice to see her again and get aquainted with her children. I’m humbled that she would drive this far for my photography. The Lord only knows how we have tried to get it planned!
I took them to Bobby Davis Park…a beautiful place that is soooo special to me. My mom lives RIGHT across the street, so I’ve been going over there for almost 5 years now. The location the little girl is standing in below used to be the home of a beautiful Girl Scout Building… donated by L.O. Davis in the 1980’s to the Wilderness Road Girl Scout Council. My mom was employeed by WRGSC for my entire childhood, so I grew up in this park until the building was flooded…I didn’t return until photography became my passion…and my livlihood…and it was just a step from my mom’s front door! No, there are no coincidences.
I TRY to only bring out of towners to the park and have seriously considered “retiring” the park for my outdoor sessions…but it calls me from time to time…like an old friend…and I have to answer.
thanks Leslie…an old friend.