Monthly Archives: June 2015

Senior Portrait Day Checklist ( senior guide for everything you will need on the big day)
1. Sleep the night before. 2. Wash Face. 3. Eat Breakfast. 4. Double Check outfits. 5. Bring Shoes. (Even thoughView full post »

Behind those HAZEL eyes (posing pooches, pet photography)
Hazel came to the studio as a Mother’s Day gift for her mom, Pauletta. As her sisters Kennedy, Cassidy andView full post »

#Family #Adorable #Cute #Photography
I LOVE it when I get to meet new people, especially 16 month old Carson. He has the cutest personality and is allView full post »

Not so Terrible Two’s { 2nd Birthday Photo Shoot }
The thing I love most about a two year old is you CAN’T reason with them yet! As a photographer, this keeps me on myView full post »

Ready, Set . . . Summer! (summer family pictures)
Summers in Eastern Kentucky are the most beautiful in the world, in my humble opinion! The lush green mountains, oldView full post »

Looks we LOVE for senior portraits (summer outfit inspiration is just a click away)
Summer looks and accessories inspired by JCrew, makeup and hair by Kayla Short, photography by me! We wanted toView full post »

Clothing and Hair Ideas for Senior Pictures (Senior Photgrapher Suzanne Deaton)
High Fashion Senior Portraits inspired by bohemian trends, summer colors, and awesome makeup by Kayla Short, HazardView full post »