Monthly Archives: April 2010

Expression of the Week . . . (Children’s Photography, Hazard, KY)
Well, I didn’t have to search very far to find this expression of the week photo! I am cracking up just rememberingView full post »

Expression of the Week…NEW! (Suzanne Deaton Photography, Hazard, KY)
Hey, everyone who follows my blog…I’ve got a great idea! To break up the monotony of my blog, I’ve decided to add aView full post »

Check out our new display!! (KY Childrens Photography)
We loved these following images so much we decided to display them in our studio…in the cutest way!! Stop by and checkView full post »

Our first little sprouts of spring! (KY Children’s Photography)
Here are some recent studio images, along with some outdoor shots… Thanks for looking! Comments areView full post »